Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Testing ...

Hats Analysis of Testing.

About Testing:
  • vomiting of memorized and forgettable facts.
  • the skill tested by the tests cannot of used in real life
  • test scores does not reflect real skill
  • distraction from real learning
  • Time used for testing is useless - Linda Darling-Hammond (Stanford)
  •     Project based assessment
  •     Creative problem solving
  •     California is moving towards new assessment standard.

Sample Test 1: Take this test and answer the questions below.

1. El concierto que se llevó a cabo en el salón de la escuela terminó. 2. El maestro le dio un libro a cada uno de los estudiantes. 3. El libro tenía preguntas. 4. Luego el maestro los llevó a la exposición. 5. Había 16 salas de exhibición. 6. Cada habitación tenía una ciudad capital y una bandera.

Q1: ¿Dónde ocurrió el concierto?

Q2: ¿Qué aprendieron los estudiantes en cada habitación?

How did you do? Were you able to answer the questions correctly? Do you know Spanish? Then how were you able to answer these questions correctly?

What are we testing here? Language skill or test taking skill? Are we testing the meaning? Are we testing the writing skill or copy-paste skill?

Sample Test 2:

Toma el cuaderno. Toma el lápiz. Dibuja una línea a la izquierda y a la izquierda. Dibuja una línea de arriba hacia abajo. Ahora conecta estas líneas.

What are we testing here? Language skill or test taking skill?

நோட்டு புத்தகத்தை எடுக்கவும். பென்சிலை எடுக்கவும். இடது வலமாக ஒரு கோடு வரையவும். மேலிருந்து கீழ் ஒரு கோடு வரையவும். இப்போது இந்த கோடுகளை இணைக்கவும்.

What are the differences between Test 1 and Test 2? One can do really well in Test 1 without knowing Spanish. Test 1 is bit complex though. Test 2 is simple, but you cannot complete the test without knowing the language. This is what I am talking about. Let us do formative assessment!


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