Sunday, January 8, 2017

Mechanical Learning Vs Organic Learning

Most language programs are mechanical in nature; that is, a second language is taught as individual pieces, such as words and grammar rules, hoping the learners will get the language and use it one day. This is called Mechanical learning (ML). The focus is more on learning the language elements than developing communication competency.

Mechanical learning helps very little to develop language competency.

The other way is Organic learning (OL). Here is what Dr. Pimsleur says about Organic learning.

Every new language item is introduced within the context of a conversation or exchange. This helps learning and retention in a multitude of ways, from allowing our brain to automatically integrate intonation, rhythm, melody, and pronunciation, to embedding prompts for your memory. When you need a word, it’s there seamlessly on the tip of your tongue.

Many language  programs are now using communicative approach. The communicative language teaching approach uses Organic learning directly or indirectly.  Many scholars such as Dr. Ray, Dr. Krashen and so on  recommend organic learning. Dr. Krashen's fundamental language acquisition principle states "we acquire language one way and only one; that is, when we understand the message in a low anxiety environment". This is organic learning.

Most importantly this is the way we all acquired our first language. This is the way the language acquisition device in our brain is wired to acquire language. Other approaches are proven to not yield the expected result.

Shall we explore Organic Learning and see how we can help our students to acquire Tamil better and faster?

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