Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Translation exercise is injurious to language acquisition

What is translation

Language programs include translation to native language; the learners translate text from target language to native language. This is seen as opportunity to build more vocabulary and language elements in the brain.

Where it came from

Over 150 years ago when foreign language learning was introduced in schools, their objective was to understand the literature in the foreign languages such as Greek and Latin. The goal was to understand the text in other languages, but ability to speak or use the target language in communication context was not an important goal. So, one of the key skills required to accomplish this language goal is translation from the target language to the native language.

Why was it used

As mentioned above the goal was to understand the literature in target language and also to bring good things to the native language. So, the translation is a key component of foreign language programs. If you are able to read text in the foreign language and explain in the native language, then you are considered proficient in that language.

What value does it add

The value the translation exercise provided was to bring foreign literature to native language, and appreciate the native language.

Is it good for heritage language learner?

What is the goal of heritage language program? The goal is to master communication competency in the heritage language. It is not clear how the translation exercise to native language helps.

What are the limitations?

Translation exercise does not help improve language skill in the target language.

Why we should not use translation exercise

மொழிபெயர்ப்பு என்பது அந்த மொழியை ஊறுகாய் போல தொட்டுக்கொண்டு Native language - ஐ அனுபவிப்பது போல. But, our goal is to master Tamil since it is our mother’s tongue if not mother tongue.

For the translation exercise, one works to find the right word in the native language. So, I will need to look at the words in the target language once and then think hard to find the equivalent word in English for example. So, this helps to utilize and experience the native language better.

Our goal is help the learner master the target language. But, the translation helps to improve the native language skill only. 

To develop language skill a learner needs lots of input in the target language using which we produce output. The translation (from L1 to L2) exercise gives input in L1 and output in L2, that is the main problem. The translation (from L2 to L1) exercise gives input in target language and output in L1. We need to have both input and output in the target language. So, the translation exercise violates one of them (input or output).


I recommend not to use translations in the language programs. I can at least accept translating from target language to native language where necessary, but can never accept translating from native language to target language.


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